Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

In News by System 9 Services

As you are no doubt aware the current situation in relation to the above pandemic is now a very serious and real threat to the health and well-being of everyone.

Here at System 9 Services the health and wellbeing of our customers and staff is always our top priority.

During this developing Covid -19 pandemic I would like to assure all our customers and suppliers that we are taking all necessary steps to to protect our customers and ourselves.

We are continually monitoring the daily government information and guidelines and will change our procedures as required.

When booking an appointment or before an engineer arrives at your premises,please inform us if anyone in your household is feeling unwell or displaying any of the classic Covid-19 systems (New cough or a fever)

We can reschedule the appointment or if its an emergency call out we can take appropriate action.

Our Engineers will routinely apply Anti-bacterial hand-gel before each visit and face masks and protective gloves will also be on hand to be used if necessary.

Payment Methods

For the foreseeable future we will not be accepting cash.

Cheque and BACS transfer will be the preferred method of payment.

Please don’t hesitate to contact System 9 Services if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you and Stay Safe