SSAIB Security Systems and Inspection Board

In News by System 9 Services



SSAIB aim as a certification body is to protect the interests of the customer.

This is achieved by requiring registered companies to meet the appropriate criteria in relation to the services they provide.

To achieve and maintain SSAIB certification requires compliance with SSAIB rules and scheme specific criteria. Failure to do so will result in certification not being granted or, when certification has been previously granted, may result in certification being suspended, reduced, or withdrawn.

Compliance is determined during an initial certification audit and on-going annual surveillance audits.

In the case of management system schemes – ISO 9001, for example – compliance is also determined during re-certifications audits,

This occurs annually from the date that certification was granted.

In addition, all services provided by registered companies must comply with the requirements of British, European standards or SSAIB Codes of Practice as appropriate.

However, if you are dissatisfied with the service provided by an SSAIB-registered firm and feel that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, SSAIB will investigate the matter with the firm in question. SSAIB will always ensure that a complaint against us – or any of our registered firms – is given prompt attention. 

SSAIB security systems registration schemes are intended to establish compliance of such systems with relevant standards, meaning those that apply to the security system in question.

In the unlikely event that the service provided by an SSAIB registered firm does not meet your satisfaction, you should first raise your concerns with the firm in question. If you are still not satisfied by the manner in which your concern’s has been dealt with by the registered firm, you may raise the matter with the SSAIB following the procedure set out below.

 In the event of the SSAIB upholding your position we will require the registered firm to take such remedial action as we determine is required.+

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Complaints SSAIB can deal with.

SSAIB can only investigate a complaint against currently registered firms in respect of a service that is within the scope of the firm’s registration.

To check if a firm is registered and to ascertain if the activity to which your complaint relates is within their scope of registration go to and select “Looking for a service provider” and enter the firms name in the “Search by company name” box.

In the case of a Security System we can only deal with a complaint about a System that is under warranty or is the subject of a maintenance agreement.

Ordinarily SSAIB will only deal with complaints from the customer of a registered firm with regard to the following issues:

a) Failure of the services provided by the registered firm to comply with the agreement between the registered firm and the customer.

b) Failure of the services provided to comply with the relevant standards.

c) The general quality of the services provided (this is particularly relevant with respect to security systems)

d) Failure of the registered firm to comply with SSAIB.

Complaints SSAIB cannot deal with.

For the avoidance of doubt, the primary function of SSAIB is to monitor compliance by registered firms with technical standards.

In the event that any complaint arises which is not of a technical nature then this is not something which SSAIB can deal with under our complaint’s procedure.

 We are also unable to deal with the following non exhaustive matters:

 a) Contractual or commercial matters of any kind, such as the price charged for work done or the time taken too complete it.

 b) Complaints about work carried out by non – Registered Firms.

 c) Complaints about matters which are the subject of current or intended litigation by the complainant.

d) Non-compliance with technical specification requirements which fall outside the scope of SSAIB’s technical standards.

e) Complaints relating to work carried out or services provided by a registered firm which are not within the scope of the firms’ registration with the SSAIB.

Making a complaint:

To make a formal complaint against a Registered Firm, please complete the Complaints Form which can be requested from

The guidance notes to this form provide further details of the types of complaint that SSAIB can and cannot deal with and more detailed notes of the procedure involved.

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Return the form, along with any relevant documentation, to the SSAIB.

Consideration of a complaint,

Once the form has been returned the SSAIB will then commence consideration of your complaint which will include making you the complaint known to the relevant registered firm to provide the firm with an opportunity to respond to the complaint.

If necessary SSAIB may contact, you by telephone to discuss your complaint and may also visit your premises to inspect the security or safety system.

Once SSAIB has established the facts, as far as is possible, based on the information provided by the complainant and the response of the registered firm, SSAIB will consider if it is appropriate to uphold the complaint or not.

Sanctions In the event of SSAIB upholding a complaint in the first instance SSAIB will require the registered firm to take such remedial action as is necessary to address the complaint to the customer’s satisfaction. If the registered firm fails to do so SSAIB may apply one or more of the following sanctions:

a) Issue a disciplinary letter.

b) Levy a fine.

c) Suspend registration.

d) Withdraw registration.

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